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24 Jul, 2023
Posted by dcelectricostg
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5 Electrical Dangers & How To Avoid Them 

Electricity is a wonderful resource that powers daily life, enabling us to do a multitude of activities and chores with ease. It’s also something that can become dangerous if not handled correctly or treated with proper respect. As a homeowner, you have more direct contact with electricity in the form of your breaker panel, appliances, outlets, and even the electrical feed to your home. The following is a look at five common electrical dangers and why you should call electrical contractors in Wake Forest, NC, for help when you encounter one or more of these issues.

Wiring That’s Defective or in Poor Condition

This is most likely to affect older homes, especially ones that have suffered from deferred maintenance. However, new homes can also suffer from a poor wiring job. If you’re noticing that your power drops out randomly in one room or around the house, have a qualified electrical contractor perform an inspection and find the source of the issue. It may be that the wiring needs repair or replacement.

Overloaded Outlets

Turning your outlets into a “Christmas tree” of electrical strips may overload them and trip circuits. As a general rule, outlets are capable of handling extension strips, but there is a point where there are too many of them. If you find yourself tripping circuits, contact an electrician and have them inspect the outlet.

Outlets Near Water Sources

It’s perfectly normal to have an outlet or two in a bathroom or kitchen, or outdoors. However, if they don’t have what is known as a ground fault circuit interrupter, you’re at risk of electrocution if water comes into contact with the outlet. An electrical contractor can check your outlets and install the right type of outlet that prevents calamity if water connects to the outlet.

Covering Cords With Rugs

Don’t cover your cords with a rug or other covering no matter how unsightly you think they are. Electricity generates heat and can reach temperatures that cause the fabric to smolder and ignite. Use cord management techniques such as using cable covers, zip ties, or velcro straps that are approved for use with electrical cords to keep things neat.

Don’t Leave Extension Cables in Constant Use

Extension cables are intended for temporary or short-term use. They quickly become a tripping hazard and suffer from having the protective coating wear off. Always unplug your extension cords after use, and talk to an electrical contractor about running a permanent outlet if you find you need a regular supply of power to a location.

Call DC Electric of Raleigh for All of Your Electrical Needs

At DC Electric of Raleigh, we can service the electrical system of your home and make sure that it’s safe to use. We can handle everything from installing pathway lighting to generator repair around Durham, NC. Our team of qualified electricians is capable of finding faults in your existing wiring, upgrading your outlets, and finding outdated wiring that can affect your home’s safety. Call us today to speak to us about your electrical needs or issues.