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14 Apr, 2023
Posted by dcelectricostg
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Enhance Productivity: Best Lighting Placements for Home Offices 

Having proper lighting in your home office can boost your mood and motivate you to stay productive. But it’s important to understand where to place lights to decrease your chances of eye strain, headaches, and other demotivating factors. A residential electrician in Clayton, NC can help you choose the right lighting for your space. Consider the best lighting placements for your home office.

Natural Light Can Be Best

While overwhelming glare can be the result of direct sunlight, natural light shouldn’t be underestimated. Natural light from the sun can boost your mood and give you extra energy and motivation when you need it most during the workday. This can encourage and inspire you to be more productive and successful too. Indeed, you can avoid harsh glare by having natural light next to or in front of your computer screen or work surface. To prevent the sun from creating shadows, your work area should face north or south.

Match the Light Source to the Task

The right desk lamp will shine light where you need it. Your light source should suit the task you’re doing at the moment. An articulated or adjustable desk lamp can be useful for doing tasks that require a lot of focus. Some examples of focus-intensive tasks can include doing paperwork, analyzing photos, working on a computer, and others. An electrician in Holly Springs, NC can advise you about which lighting to choose for your space.

Office Lights Should Be Indirect

For example, if you’re doing computer work, then use indirect lighting. This can be helpful for reducing glare, so you don’t have to strain your eyes to look at the screen. Overhead lights create a direct glare that’s best avoided. Instead, aim to diffuse ambient light that’s supposed to brighten your space. Try to avoid casting shadows and undue glare. Upward-shining floor lamps and lampshades can be helpful.

Avoid Casting Shadows

The placement of lighting can create shadows. For one thing, having a task light on your right side as you write with your right hand can cause shadows you might not have noticed before. Placing the same task light on your left side could help you see what you’re doing more clearly while avoiding shadows. Similarly, light coming in from windows can cause shadows.

Keep it Simple

Just because natural lighting can be best doesn’t mean you have to redesign your entire office to receive this type of lighting. Rather than be overly strict, you could try combining different lighting options. For example, it’s important to make sure you’re comfortable with the illumination you use. You can create a space that fits your personality by using fun lights that are good for your eyes and the indoor environment. Moreover, you can keep it simple by choosing the proper task lighting for whatever task you may be doing.

Contact a Professional

Ready to get started? Our team at D C Electric of Raleigh could help! Contact us today!

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